A puzzle game I made for the 5th Game Maker Community game jam (aka GMC Jam). Participants had 72 hours to make a game themed around the word "facade".
Last time I participated in the GMC Jam I got 16th place, but this time I tied for 1st! As a result, I won a Mr. Karoshi tshirt(?), a coffee mug with YoYo Games branding, and free copy of Game Maker Studio pro!
I think my favorite thing to come out of that years GMC Jam was a Youtuber named raocow deciding to play every game made for it(?). Here he is playing Break the Facade. Judging by his comments towards the end of the video and the video description being I've oft repeated how much I like this general sort of both game and looks, so it'd be useless to repeat, even if I pretty much just did.
I think it's safe to say he enjoyed playing it!